Saturday, January 22, 2011

News & Views on Myrtle rust incursion

Apr 09, 2011: More outrage from the Coalition after the rust was found in Queensland's World Heritage-listed Lamington National Park

Jan 24, 2011: Tea tree oil industries started implementing biosecurity measures.

Jan 20, 2011: Plant plague $100m threat (The tea-tree oil industry is not happy with the management of the rust incursion).

Jan 19, 2011: The Coalition Spokesman for Agriculture and Food Security accused the Labor Party of gross negligence of myrtle rust incursion.

Jan 5, 2011: Myrtle rust confirmed in SE Qld (DPI, QLD).

Dec 23, 2010: NMG agreed that it is not technically feasible to eradicate the rust.

Nov 5, 2010: The rust was found in natural bush lands (DPI, NSW).

Aug 20, 2o1o: Myrtle rust NMG agrees to intensified management response.

Aug 3, 2010: DPI NSW declares a quarantine zone for myrtle rust.

July 2, 2o1o: An interim response plan was implemented by the Myrtle rust NMG (National Management Group) to suppress Myrtle rust with a long-term view to possibly eradicate this disease and collate data for the management should it become necessary.

May 12, 2010: Forestry industry is worried.

May 4, 2010: The 1st news release about myrtle rust detection by DAFF and by ABC (the NMG agreed it was technically infeasible to eradicate the rust).

Apr 23, 2010.
The rust found on a cut flower growing facility on the central coast of New South Wales

Update: How big a threat to native species?

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